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كتاب سحر الكلمة |
أحيانا ما نقابل في حياتنا مواقف لا نستطيع أن نكون فيها علي المستوي اللازم من اللباقة ، وربما يمر بنا موقف ما بعد وقت قصير نعيد التفكير فيه ، ثم يقول الواحد منا لنفسه :
ما كان يجب ان أقول ذلك
كان ينبغي أن أجيب بكذا..
كلامي لم يحل المسألة ، بل زادها تعقيداً..
ويرجع هذا الي عدة أسباب ، منها عدم التقدير الداخلي لقيمة المحادثة بشكل عام ، ومنها الافتقار لأساليب التفكير اللازمة لإقامة المحادثات الناجحة ، أو ربما بسبب القصور اللغوي وضعف القدرة علي التعبير عما بداخلنا.
وهنا يأتي دور هذا الكتاب الذي يقدم لنا الأساليب الموثوق بها لاستخدام قدرات المحادثة في المواقف المختلفة للسيطرة علي سلوكيات الآخرين وتوجيهها في جميع المجالات .
ترجمة جوجل
google translate
This book tries to answer the question . Harness your abilities talk shows how to achieve your goals ?
Sometimes we meet in our positions we can not be where the necessary level of tact, and possibly passing us what position shortly after the re- thinking about it, then one of us says to himself :
What he should say so
He should answer such and such ..
My words did not solve the issue, but increasing them complicated ..
This is due to several reasons, including lack of appreciation for the value of the internal conversation in general , including the lack of ways of thinking necessary for the successful establishment of the talks , or perhaps because of language deficiencies and impaired ability to express what is within us .
And here comes the role of this book, which provides us with reliable methods for the use of the capabilities of the conversation in different positions to control the behavior of others and guide them in all areas.
Sometimes we meet in our positions we can not be where the necessary level of tact, and possibly passing us what position shortly after the re- thinking about it, then one of us says to himself :
What he should say so
He should answer such and such ..
My words did not solve the issue, but increasing them complicated ..
This is due to several reasons, including lack of appreciation for the value of the internal conversation in general , including the lack of ways of thinking necessary for the successful establishment of the talks , or perhaps because of language deficiencies and impaired ability to express what is within us .
And here comes the role of this book, which provides us with reliable methods for the use of the capabilities of the conversation in different positions to control the behavior of others and guide them in all areas.
المؤلف : د. ابراهيم الفقي
الناشر: ثمرات للنشر والتوزيع
عدد الصفحات : 100
الحجم : 3 م.ب.
معاينة الكتاب :Archive
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