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الخيوط الخفية |
ولقد حيرت العلماء ظواهر كثيرة تحدث في هذا العالم منها مثلث برمودا والأطباق الطائرة ، فما هي حقيقتها ؟ وهل هناك خيوط خفية تربط بين المسيخ الدجال وبين هاتين الظاهرتين؟
ففي أجمل بلاد الأرض أمسكت بهذه الخيوط أو هي أمسكت بي ، لأمر ما في علم الله قدر .. وفي ألمانيا تواصلت .. وفي فرنسا تأكدت .
كل الخيوط مشدودة في النهاية الي القلعة الرهيبة التي يشير رأسها إلي .. أمريكا ..ليتأكد أن المخ والعقل المدبر يقبع هناك.
أسرار كثيرة ، وامور غامضة ، وظواهر محيرة ، وأسئلة معقدة يجيب عنها هذا الكتاب . المؤلف
ترجمة جوجل
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" O people .. They were not sedition on the face of the earth since the tops of God offspring of Adam 's greatest affliction of the Antichrist , and God Almighty did not send a prophet but warned his nation of the Antichrist , and I last of the prophets and you last Nations , which is outside of you, inevitably , the come out and I am among you , I pilgrims every Muslim , but come after me every Hajij himself, " This talk is the master of human beings: Muhammad peace be upon him. .
I have puzzled scientists many phenomena occur in this world, including the Bermuda Triangle and dishes the plane , what is it really? Are there any hidden clues linking the Antichrist and between these two phenomena ?
In the country's most beautiful land held this yarn is held or me, for something in the knowledge of God as much .. In Germany continued .. In France confirmed .
All leads in a tight finish to the castle terrible refers to her head .. America .. to make sure that the mastermind of the brain and sits there .
Many secrets , and things mysterious, puzzling phenomena , and complex questions are answered by this book . Author
I have puzzled scientists many phenomena occur in this world, including the Bermuda Triangle and dishes the plane , what is it really? Are there any hidden clues linking the Antichrist and between these two phenomena ?
In the country's most beautiful land held this yarn is held or me, for something in the knowledge of God as much .. In Germany continued .. In France confirmed .
All leads in a tight finish to the castle terrible refers to her head .. America .. to make sure that the mastermind of the brain and sits there .
Many secrets , and things mysterious, puzzling phenomena , and complex questions are answered by this book . Author
الكتاب : الخيوط الخفية بين المسيخ الدجال و أسرار مثلث برمودا والأطباق الطائرة
المؤلف: محمد عيسي داود
الناشر: دار البشير - القاهرة
عدد الصفحات : 228
الحجم : 5.8 م.ب.
معاينة الصفحة : Archive
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