Six Thinking Hats...Edward de Bono
The intention of the six hats to think it is to desembrollar the thought, so that the thinker
can use a way to think after another one -- instead of to do all at the same time or to try it.
The best analogy is impression a all color. Each color is printed separately and in the end
all meet and it sees the set.
The method of the six hats to think are designed to remove to the thought from habitual
argumentativo style and to take it to a cartographic style. This r does of the thought a
process of two stages. First it is to develop the map. second it is to choose the route, in the
map. If the map is sufficiently good, better route usually is obvious. As in the analogy of the
impression to color, each one of the six hats puts a type of thought in the map.
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