‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات free download. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات free download. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأربعاء، 5 أكتوبر 2011

إدارة الوقت من المنظور الإسلامى و الادارى...د/خالد الجريسي

إدارة الوقت من المنظور الإسلامى و الادارى...د/خالد الجريسي

يمثل الوقت أحد الموارد المهمة والنفيسة لكل إنسان في هذا العالم الكبير، فالوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك، وإذا لم يحسن الإنسان إستغلاله بفعالية فإنه قد يفقد الكثير مما يصعب تعويضه؛ سواء في عمله أم في حياته الخاصة، لأن ما انقضى من الوقت لا يعود أبدًا.
والوقت من ذهب، بل هو أغلى من الذهب؛ حيث إنه لا يقدر بثمن، وهو يعد أحد خمسة موارد أساسية في مجال الأعمال، هي: المواد، المعلومات، الأفراد، الموارد المادية، إضافة إلى الوقت الذي يعد أكثر هذه الموارد أهمية، فكلما استطاع الفرد أن يتحكم في وقته بمهارة وإيجابية استطاع عندها أن يستثمره في تحقيق أقصى عائد ممكن من الموارد الأخرى؛ فإذا أدار الفرد وقته بشكل فعال، فهو -في الحقيقة- يدير حياته ونفسه وعمله إدارة فعالة.

إدارة الوقت من المنظور الإسلامى و الادارى

الجمعة، 30 سبتمبر 2011

الإسلام فى خندق...مصطفى محمود

الإسلام فى خندق...مصطفى محمود

استكمالا لسلسلة كتب د/مصطفى محمود و رؤيته للإسلام و تفسيره و قواعده و تحدياته و ومستقبله نقرأ معا اليوم هذا الكتاب الممتع...

الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Eat that frog...Brian Tracy

Eat that frog...Brian Tracy

21 great ways to stop procrastinating, improve organization skills, and get more done in less time*

By Brian Tracy

If you are like most people today, you're overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time. Effectivetime management is the key to success in both your personal and professional life.

"Eat that frog" is a metaphor for tackling the most challenging task of your day.

Your most challenging task is the one you are most likely to put off--but it's also the one that will have the greatest positive impact on your life.

Eat That Frog! shows you how to zero in on the critical tasks and create better organization skills -- so that you'll not only get more done faster, but get the right things done. *

It's time for you to get control of your life. It's time for you to become the master of time management.

Download Eat that frog

قبعات التفكير الست...إدوارد دى بونو (مترجم)

قبعات التفكير الست...إدوارد دى بونو (مترجم)

تساعد قبعات التفكير الست على منح عملية التفكير قدرها من الوقت والجهد

القبعة البيضاء : كرمز للحقائق الخالصة والمعلومات والرسومات التوضيحية . القبعة الحمراء : كرمز للتعبير عن العواطف والأحاسيس وأيضا الحدس أو البديهة . القبعة السوداء : كرمز للبحث عن سلبيات الأمور وتعليل عدم توقع نجاح الاقتراحات المقدمة . القبعة الصفراء : كرمز للتفاؤل والتفكير البناء والبحث عن الإيجابيات والفرص المتوقعة . القبعة الخضراء : كرمز للإبداع وتوليد الأفكار الجديدة . القبعة الزرقاء : كرمز للسيطرة وتنظيم التفكير بهدوء وحكمة .

الاثنين، 26 سبتمبر 2011

Six Thinking Hats...Edward de Bono

Six Thinking Hats...Edward de Bono


The intention of the six hats to think it is to desembrollar the thought, so that the thinker
can use a way to think after another one -- instead of to do all at the same time or to try it.
The best analogy is impression a all color. Each color is printed separately and in the end
all meet and it sees the set.
The method of the six hats to think are designed to remove to the thought from habitual
argumentativo style and to take it to a cartographic style. This r does of the thought a
process of two stages. First it is to develop the map. second it is to choose the route, in the
map. If the map is sufficiently good, better route usually is obvious. As in the analogy of the
impression to color, each one of the six hats puts a type of thought in the map.

كيف تكسب الأصدقاء و تؤثر فى الناس...ديل كارنيجى (مترجم)

كيف تكسب الأصدقاء و تؤثر فى الناس...ديل كارنيجى

هو واحد من أشهر الكتب على الأطلاق فى مجال التنمية البشرية

ويحتوى مجموعة من النصائح , التى يجب أتباعها سؤاء فى طريقة تفكير أو مخاطبتك للأخرين

ترجمة الأستاذ : عبد المنعم محمد زبادى

كيف تكسب الأصدقاء و تؤثر فى الناس

الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2011

اسرائيل النازية و لغة المحرقة...مصطفى محمود

اسرائيل النازية و لغة المحرقة...مصطفى محمود

وعادت إسرائيل لتطلق النازية مرة أخرى

عادت لتطبق نفس اللغة التي تم ممارستها معهم

إنها لغة المحرقة

وهذا ما يحدثنا د/مصطفى محمود عنه في هذا الكتاب

للتحميل اسرائيل النازية و لغة المحرقة

الثلاثاء، 20 سبتمبر 2011

أسرار حيرت العلماء...راجى عنايت

أسرار حيرت العلماء...راجى عنايت

أغرب من الخيال أسرار حيرت العلماء
حقاً كتاب جدير بالقراءة فهو يحتوي علي غرائب طبيعية حدثت في الكون لم يجد لها العلماء تفسيرا منطقيا حتي الآن.

الاثنين، 19 سبتمبر 2011

الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

the mind mapping...tony buzan

the mind mapping...tony buzan

Have you ever wanted to improve your memory, creativity, concentration, communicative ability, thinking skills, learning skills, general intelligence and quickness of mind? The Mind Map, which has been called the 'Swiss army knife for the brain', is a ground-breaking note-taking technique that is already used by more than 250 million people worldwide and has taken the educational and business worlds by storm.

Download the mind mapping

الأحد، 11 سبتمبر 2011

استمتع بالحياة...لورنس جولد (مترجم)

استمتع بالحياة...لورنس جولد (مترجم)

أن السعادة شئ لا يأتيك من الخارج ، وإنما تجلبه لك نفسك ، وخير من بين لك طريق السعادة حقاً ، رجل يظهر لك نفسك ، ويستدرجك إلى فهمها حقاً ، ومتى عرفت نفسك فقد عرفت كيف تجنح بها إلى السعادة المبتغاة .
ولن تجد خيراً ناصحاً وهادياً ومرشداً لك إلى فهم نفسك من رجل جمع مؤهلاته العلمية اتخاذه التحليل النفسي مهنة ، وهو لا يحدثك بوصفك فرداً وحسب ، بل هو إذ يعرض معك ما مر من مراحل العمر ، يحدثك بوصفك زوجاً وأباً ورب أسرة ، جاعلاً في كل حال السعادة رائده وهدفه .. وهي السعادة التي أرجو مخلصاً أن يلقي هذا الكتاب الضوء على الطريق إليها .

الخميس، 8 سبتمبر 2011

handbook of procurement

handbook of procurement

How can organizations ensure that they can get best value for money in their procurement decisions? How can they stimulate innovations from their dedicated suppliers? With contributions from leading academics and professionals, this handbook offers expert guidance on the fundamental aspects of successful procurement design and management in firms, public administrations, and international institutions. The issues addressed include the management of dynamic procurement; the handling of procurement risk; the architecture of purchasing systems; the structure of incentives in procurement contracts; methods to increase suppliers' participation in procurement contests and e-procurement platforms; how to minimize the risk of collusion and of corruption; pricing and reputation mechanisms in e-procurement platforms; and how procurement can enhance innovation. Inspired by frontier research, it provides practical recommendations to managers, engineers and lawyers engaged in private and public procurement design. It will also be a key reference for MBA courses related to procurement design and supply chain management.

Download handbook of procurement

الأربعاء، 7 سبتمبر 2011

essentials of health and safety at work

essentials of health and safety at work

It explains what the law requires and helps employers put it into practice. Chapter 1 suggests how to tackle the basics of health and safety, also how to identify, assess and control the activities that might cause harm in a business. Chapters 2 to 25 are for anyone who needs to know more about a particular health and safety subject. There are several new chapters dealing with, e.g. slips and trips, work at height, contractors and agency workers and general fire safety, as well as new sections on subjects such as stress, rehabilitation and sickness absence.

Download essentials of health and safety at work

الثلاثاء، 6 سبتمبر 2011

Primer on Volatile organic compounds

Primer on Volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary, room-temperature conditions. Their high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air. An example is formaldehyde, with a boiling point of –19 ºC (–2 ºF), slowly exiting paint and getting into the air.
Many VOCs are dangerous to human health or cause harm to the environment. VOCs are numerous, varied, and ubiquitous. They include both man-made and naturally occurring chemical compounds. Anthropogenic VOCs are regulated by law, especially indoors, where concentrations are the highest. VOCs are typically not acutely toxic, but instead have compounding long-term health effects. Because the concentrations are usually low and the symptoms slow to develop, research into VOCs and their effects is difficult
Download Primer on Volatile organic compounds

Use your memory...Tony Buzan

Use your memory...Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan, author of the best-selling Use Your Head and inventor of the revolutionary Mind-Mapping technique, has acquired fame by improving the memory and learning capability of thousands of people. In this book, based on the latest research into the workings of the human brain, he presents an ingenious system for training the memory to achieve extraordinary feats. The book provides surprising, yet simple, techniques for remembering names, dates, phone numbers and appointments. Special programmes are given for card players and there is a useful section for students on how to attain optimum examination results. Buzan reveals his methods with engaging enthusiasm, drawing upon extraordinary, surreal images to illustrate how the mnemonic system works. Some of these images are illustrated in full colour. For anyone who has difficulty in remembering facts and figures, people and places, Use Your Memory will be invaluable

Download Use your memory

الاثنين، 5 سبتمبر 2011

the complete idiot guide to understanding Islam...Yahiya Emerick

the complete idiot guide to understanding Islam

The book offers tips on Muslim culture, actual quotes from the Qur’an, the Prophet Muhammad, and prominent scholars, and answers to questions regarding everyday life from the Muslim perspective. Includes: The Qur’an - the Muslim Bible or something more?, A day in the life of a Muslim - prayers toward Mecca and keeping halal, The Islamic dress code and life ceremonies - and Ramadan and Hajj, the two Islamic holidays, The life of the Prophet Muhammad - and 1400 years of Islamic history, More than one type of Muslim - the Sunnis, the Shi’as, and the Sufis, Islam in the modern world - cultural revivalism and politics, The other side of the coin - the Arab-Israeli conflict and Islam.
Download the complete idiot guide to understanding Islam

New Rules of Marketing and PR

New Rules of Marketing and PR

The Internet has profoundly changed theway people communicate and interact witheach other. It has also changed the way businesses communicate with current and potential customers. In the old days, marketers could only communicate through the filter of expensive advertising or media ink placed by a PR firm. Today, the rules have changed entirely.

"The New Rules of Marketing and PR" shows you how to leverage the potential that Web-based communication offers large and small companies, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, political organizations, consultants, even rock bands and churches. Finally, you can speak directly to customers and buyers, establishing a personal link with those who make your business work. You can reach niche buyers with targeted messages that cost a fraction of your big-budget advertising campaign. Rather than bombard them with advertising they'll likely ignore, you can focus on getting the right message to the right people at the right time.

Download New Rules of Marketing and PR

الأحد، 4 سبتمبر 2011

Speed Memory...Tony Buzan

Speed Memory...Tony Buzan

Can you remember names, faces, lists, speeches,dates, numbers, examination data?
SPEED MEMORY is a comprehensive memory training course based on recent research. As you work through the book, you graduate from simple methods to highly advanced systems-and increase your memory power as you go!
There are special sections on subjects such as learning foreign languages, memorizing poems and dramatic parts, and remembering for examinations.
Tony Buzan is an expert in the field of reading techniques and memory systems. 
He has developed a memory training course which has been widely used in schools and colleges, and in the Houses of Parliament. He is also the author of SPEED READING.

Download Speed Memory

السبت، 3 سبتمبر 2011

Infrared Spectroscopy Fundamentals and Applications...Barbara Stuart

Infrared Spectroscopy Fundamentals and Applications...Barbara Stuart

Provides an introduction to those needing to use infrared spectroscopy for the first time, explaining the fundamental aspects of this technique, how to obtain a spectrum and how to analyze infrared data covering a wide range of applications.

* Includes instrumental and sampling techniques
* Covers biological and industrial applications
* Includes suitable questions and problems in each chapter to assist in the analysis and interpretation of representative infrared spectra

Download Infrared Spectroscopy Fundamentals and Applications

الجمعة، 2 سبتمبر 2011

Handbook for the Chemical Analysis of Plastic and Polymer Additives

Handbook for the Chemical Analysis of Plastic and Polymer Additives

his handbook provides a detailed reference for the analysis of the additives that are most widely used in plastics and polymers. Its unique combination of comprehensive chromatograms, mass spectral data, and analytical data — in addition to environmental perspectives and regulations issued by the FDA, USEPA, EU agencies, and other groups — facilitates the analyst's ability to extract, identify, and quantify additives in finished goods using common and readily available laboratory techniques. This is an ideal reference for monitoring plastics for regulatory or internal compliance, as well as for analyzing, troubleshooting, developing, or improving upon application-specific compounding practices.
From the Preface: “...This handbook's primary aim is to provide the tools to help a bench chemist to obtain a more complete listing of additives present in a particular matrix....We provide information on analyzing polymers through thermal desorption, and the use of GC with a mass selective detector (MSD). Many compounds break apart either during extraction or analysis, so identification by key fragments, and typical moieties for the final compound is critical. The use of the GC/MS system allows the analyst to characterize a compound based on the utilization of these fragments or moieties...”
Target Audience: Analysts, scientists and researchers in the food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, polymer and plastic, petroleum, and medical device industries.

Download Handbook for the Chemical Analysis of Plastic and Polymer Additives