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Book: An article in slavery selected
Author: Etienne de Abusseh
Cry Etienne de Abusseh five centuries ago in which he said, "even became a freedom today seem like something not related to nature" is the cry still hesitate in different parts of the globe, freedom that are looking for man still condescendingly Anhave place, and false in another place, it is still saying, "Gunn animal does not give up his freedom only after a fierce defense! but rights to do so because of the need or lack of awareness" still exists, what is like today to yesterday.
This article at hand may provide us Duas enlightened by him in search of freedom.
Author: Etienne de Abusseh
Cry Etienne de Abusseh five centuries ago in which he said, "even became a freedom today seem like something not related to nature" is the cry still hesitate in different parts of the globe, freedom that are looking for man still condescendingly Anhave place, and false in another place, it is still saying, "Gunn animal does not give up his freedom only after a fierce defense! but rights to do so because of the need or lack of awareness" still exists, what is like today to yesterday.
This article at hand may provide us Duas enlightened by him in search of freedom.
المؤلف :إيتيان دي لابوسيه
المترجم: مصطفي صفوان
الناشر : وزارة الثقافة والفنون والتراث - قطر
السلسلة : كتاب الدوحة
عدد الصفحات : 95
الحجم :1.6 م.ب.
معاينة الكتاب :Archive
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