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تحليلي هذ المرض واسبابه وكيفية الاكتشاف المبكر للمرض لعلاجه او السيطة عليه.
محتويات الكتاب
الفصل الأول: لمحة تاريخية
الفصل الثاني: ما هو ارتفاع ضغط الدم الشرياني؟
الفصل الثالث: نسبة مرض فرط التوتر
الفصل الرابع :خطورة فرط التوتر
الفصل الخامس :اسباب ارتفاع الضغط
الفصل السادس : مضاعفات فرط التوتر
الفصل السابع: اسئلة وأجوبة
الفصل الثامن : هل العلاج مفيد؟
الفصل التاسع : العلاج
الفصل العاشر:اسباب فشل ضبط الضغط
الفصل الحادي عشر: اللوائح الغذائية
ترجمة جوجل
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Book: Watch out for blood pressure
Author : Ibrahim comprehensive macaroons
Blood Pressure : is one of the most prevalent diseases in the modern era , which usually spreads among the elderly , but this does not prevent that affects some of the young people , it causes stress , and psychological factors , and there may be some reasons physical , and returns the importance of early detection of the disease in to control the symptoms and dangers of Kadispbh or other diseases associated with .Trying this book in our hands, this analytical disease , its causes and how early detection of the disease to be cured or Alsath it.The contents of the book
Chapter One: A Brief History
Chapter Two: What is hypertension ?
Chapter III: The proportion of disease hypertension
Chapter IV : the seriousness of hypertension
Chapter Five: The reasons for the high pressure
Chapter VI : complications of hypertension
Chapter VII : Questions and Answers
Chapter VIII : Is therapy beneficial ?
Chapter IX : Treatment
Chapter X: the reasons for the failure adjust the pressure
Chapter atheist ten : food regulations
Author : Ibrahim comprehensive macaroons
Blood Pressure : is one of the most prevalent diseases in the modern era , which usually spreads among the elderly , but this does not prevent that affects some of the young people , it causes stress , and psychological factors , and there may be some reasons physical , and returns the importance of early detection of the disease in to control the symptoms and dangers of Kadispbh or other diseases associated with .Trying this book in our hands, this analytical disease , its causes and how early detection of the disease to be cured or Alsath it.The contents of the book
Chapter One: A Brief History
Chapter Two: What is hypertension ?
Chapter III: The proportion of disease hypertension
Chapter IV : the seriousness of hypertension
Chapter Five: The reasons for the high pressure
Chapter VI : complications of hypertension
Chapter VII : Questions and Answers
Chapter VIII : Is therapy beneficial ?
Chapter IX : Treatment
Chapter X: the reasons for the failure adjust the pressure
Chapter atheist ten : food regulations
المؤلف : شامل ابراهيم معكرون
الناشر: مؤسسة نوفل -بيروت
عدد الصفحات: 117
الحجم : 1.5 م.ب.
معاينة الكتاب :Archive
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